have left or are going to leave the white house, some of them smart people, the communications director, katie walsh, sean spicer, we expect him to leave next month as well, perhaps you don t like sean spicer or you don t like how he acted over the past six months, it doesn t take away from the fact that he understands politics, he understands walk washington. in the end, loyalty begets loyalty. i believe the president is alienating himself. at some point, perhaps not now, but let s go down the road, he will find himself on an island of one. that s a very lonely place to be when you are the president of the united states. we just had richard shelby on who is not a moderate. you have a conservative republican senator right there who was critical of the president. on two big fronts. exactly. he said that jeff sessions deserves better on this. he said jeff sessions is being brutalized. on the new policy we heard from the president of the united states just a few minutes ago,