Assam Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma called on Union Power Minister, RK Singh recently. The Chief Minister briefed the Power Minister about the unprecedented 26 per cent increase in power demand due to growth of productive sectors of the economy. Power Minister Singh assured that he would consider the personal request of the Chief Minister to allocate at least 300MW of power to Assam to tide over the current power deficit.
The Assam cabinet has approved productivity linked incentives for the industry. Sarma recently said, “ Advance states like Uttar Pradesh, Gujarat and Orissa have announced a policy for semiconductors. We have announced a policy where there will be a capital investment subsidy. With our new production linked incentive policy, Assam will soon attract investments to manufacture semiconductors in the State.”
The CRA stated that the ADB funded infrastructure road projects in Manipur are mired in controversies, such as failing to take the consent of affected communities and conduct a detailed Environment Impact Assessment.
ANDRITZ to supply complete electro-mechanical equipment for the new Lower Kopili hydropower plant, India 2021/11/25 International technology. | November 25, 2021
(PLX AI) - Andritz to supply complete electro-mechanical equipment for the new Lower Kopili hydropower plant, India.• Order consists of plant design and engineering, manufacture, supply, erection, testing