Department of Energy Secretary granholm have sacrificed appliance affordability and reliability in their pursuit of a radical rush to green agenda. In the name of Energy Efficiency, the Biden Administration has issued rules on Home Appliances that would drive up costs and make these popular products less reliable and available to the American Families. The Biden Administrations new rules do not save a significant amount of energy and are not costeffective. The Biden Administrations rules discourage the use of natural gas in favor of the electtrification of appliances regardless of the cost, reliability, or availability. Just look how they tried to ban gas stoves before my save our gas stoves legislation and public outcry dialed it back. House republicans are leading to protect americans from federal mandate that increase costs, fail to result in Significant Energy savings, and are not practical and eliminate the performance features of product choices. My legislation, h. R. 6192, the h
Leader wants to do . Host lets get an answer. Well leave this here and return to live coverage of the u. S. House. Postponed. Votes will be taken in the following order. The motion to suspend the rules and pass h. R. 3354 ordering the previous question on House Resolution 1194 and adoption of House Resolution 1194 if ordered. The first electronic vote will be conduct as a 15minute vote, pursuant to clause 9, remaining votes will be conducted as fiveminute votes. Pursuant to clause 8 of rule 20, the Unfinished Business is the vote on the motion for the jam from kansas to suspend the rules and pass h. R. 3354, on which the yeas and nays are ordered. The clerk will report the title. The clerk 3354, a bill to designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 220 north hatcher avenue in percyville, virginia, as the secretary of state, Madeleine Albright post office building. The speaker pro tempore the question is, will the house suspend the rules and pass the bill. Memb
We will call this hearing to order. Welcome, everyone this hearing is entitled the first power system [inaudible] including the cyclone. I would like to start by calling on the Ranking Member to get her opening statement. Thank you, and good morning to everyone. Im sure senator murkowski will be here shortly. As some people may know, a 7. 2 magnitude earthquake off the coast of alaska impacting kodiak and parts of the Pacific Northwest with tsunami warnings were issued for activities that were expected and those warnings for tsunami waves have been recalled but no doubt, dealing with lots of things this morning related to that and other issues. So i want to thank the witnesses, chairman mcintyre and mr. Walker for being here and many of the staff people that are glad w you are back in operation. We look forward to hearing from all of the witnesses on the subject of the reliability of the grid and its performance. Last year the secretary and staff reviewed the likability in regards of t
Be here shortly. As some people may know, a 7. 2 magnitude earthquake off the coast of alaska impacting kodiak and parts of the Pacific Northwest with tsunami warnings were issued for activities that were expected and those warnings for tsunami waves have been recalled but no doubt, dealing with lots of things this morning related to that and other issues. So i want to thank the witnesses, chairman mcintyre and mr. Walker for being here and many of the staff people that are glad w you are back in operation. We look forward to hearing from all of the witnesses on the subject of the reliability of the grid and its performance. Last year the secretary and staff reviewed the likability in regards of the changing mix and i was relieved when i saw the report in august which i thought was balanced. It distinguished between the reliability and resilience and described the emerging techniques to integrate more Renewable Resources including synthetic and frequency response and also recommended t
The december deadline looms large and Hurricane Irma sweeps over the caribbean and batters puerto rico on its way toward florida. How much will the category five storm cost miami . Miamiin to evaluate as evacuates. Matt we are less than half an hour from the european open. It is 2 30 a. M. In the morning in new york, 8 30 a. M. In frankfurt. Take a look at where the futures are trading. You have the stoxx 50 futures up one third of 1 and the continental futures are doing better. The cac up. 4 and the ftse futures doing basically unchanged. It looks like a risk on day. It can see that as well if you look at the bunds, yields rising as investors sell off the debt. Maybe getting prepared to raise funds to buy stocks. Here you see the german yield at 0. 26 . Rea that looks like a two day trade 0. 015e today it is up basis points. A little bit of gain in the german yield. Manus there is a forum in vladivostok but we had where we had putin and mr. Moon. Putinkoreas moon and condemned north k