think, is by far the mos unprecedented decision by th court. the courts move to take away a woman s right to make decision about her own body, it is no going as many planned, though. it woke up plenty of people an got them to fight, which led to choose woman as the word of the ear those who attempt to poach our rights are being taught lesson that most of us, frankly, have done our whole lives. don t you mess with women. now, the, we face a series o upcoming court decisions tha could actually chisel away a our rights even further. affirmative action is on the line as our lgbtq+ rights and democracy itself so, let s bring in some folk to write this down mark joseph stern is a senio writer for slate and alexi mcgill johnson is the presiden and ceo of planned parenthood. mark, every single time this year, something has gone dow with the supreme court, we hav chatted. so, i m going to start with yo because these decisions, as we have discussed, are just s wildly out of step w
talk about reform from lawmakers, maybe a code of ethics realistically, what are your thoughts here? what we see this no, i don t think so. not this year, probably not fo the next two no democrats had their chanc to pass meaningful court reform there were proposals to expand the number of seats on the supreme court, on the lowe courts, to have ethical term limits, but none of thos measures came to the floor the democrats decided this would not be a priority. that is, i, think the bad news for those of us who care about this issue the good news is that biden at said the democrats have use th one tool at their disposal t push back against thes alarming trends. that is a a diverse, gun people, to the federal judiciary a every level. that will change the courts, change the outcomes and so man different states for generation, joe biden has put more women on the cour this year than any president i history. mark - alexis mcgill johnson, thank you both very much