1. Phil Stewart and Idress Ali, “U.S. Navy Suffering from ‘Failure in Leadership,’ Says Nominee to Lead It,” Reuters, 7 May 2020 www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-navy/u-s-navy-suffering-from-failure-in-leadership-says-nominee-to-lead-it-idUSKBN22J2AD.
2. LT Daniel Stefanus, USN, “Retaining More High-Performing Aviation, Sub, and SWO Talent,” MyNavy HR Feeder Board, 18 February 2020.
3. Army Talent Management Task Force, “Army Announces New Battalion Commander Selection Program,” 6 November 2019, www.army.mil/standto/archive 2019-12-06/.
4. LT Daniel Stefanus, USN, “Beyond Golden Handcuffs,” OPNAV N1 report, 29 April 2020.
5. Jon Kolko, “Wicked Problems: Problems Worth Solving,” Austin Center for Design, 6 March 2012, www.google.com/url?q=https://ssir.org/books/excerpts/entry/wicked problems problems worth solving%23:~:text%3DA%2520wicked%2520problem%2520is%2520a,these%2520problems%2520with%2520other%2520problems&sa=D&ust=1595215526461000&usg=AFQjCNEZzK10