A few months ago, the New Yorker ran an article by David Owen entitled "The Great Electrician Shortage." Despite the title, the article opened with an anecdote about a plumbing emergency experienced by the author during a winter storm. Unable to solve his issue using YouTube videos, the author frantically tried to find a qualified…
The Brooklyn Public Library wants to help Black women in underpaying jobs level up. The institution announced the new LevelUP initiative which will give Black women in underserved communities and low-paying positions, an opportunity to set themselves up for success. It’s intended to help them with career growth and building wealth. How BPL Will LevelUP… Continue reading Brooklyn Public Library to Help Black Women in Low Paying Jobs ‘LevelUP’
The 68-page report, “‘This Government is Failing Me Too’: South Africa Compounds Legacy of Apartheid for Older People,” details the government’s failure to effectively carry out the Older Persons Act, a post-apartheid law that guarantees the rights of older people and provides for community- and home-based care and support services. These services would enable older people to continue to live in their own homes with the support they are entitled to.