Curtis shared the same photo, calling Arrow the greatest gift ever.
The greatest gift EVER!!! Your dads are already obsessed with you!!! Introducing Mr. Arrow Fox 5.24.21 , he wrote.
The celebrity stylist and interior designer both known for Netflix s
Styling Hollywood series tied the knot in August 2012. In April, the couple revealed that they were expecting a baby via surrogate. In the post, Curtis touched on their long journey to fatherhood and their support of The National Fertility Association. Jason + I are so incredibly excited to finally announce WE’RE PREGNANT!!! As many of you that have watched
Styling Hollywood know, the journey to fatherhood has been long for us but our dream is finally coming true!!! And after doing our research and concluding that @FirstResponsePregnancy is a trustworthy, reliable and accurate pregnancy test, when the day came, we had our surrogate take their Early Result pregnancy test and VOILA - the good news!!, Curtis shared on I