Remembering with Smiles, Love & Lots of Laughter PHILIP LARRY WOOD 6/14/1950 – 10/21/2023 "Bunky" "Dad" "Pop" "Pop Pop" "Uncle Bunk" "Uncle" The world became.Click for more.
depressing years of struggle writing a book which he also helped show me how to write. two years ago sandy was diagnosed with a form of cancer that no one survives. the day after my surgery in april, i got the news that i knew was coming at any moment. sandy was gone. 59 years old. a wonderful wife. three strong, smart, loving daughters. we all discovered knowing it s coming doesn t make it easier. in our four decadesing to, sandy and i never once agreed about politics. we never once voted for the same person. not once. we talked about politics a normal amount, which is to say, not a lot. certainly not as much as we talked about writing and movies and books that we love and our families and friends and all sorts of other things. we never avoided politics, we talked about it whenever it naturally came up. that s the way most people who aren t professionally engaged in politics talk about politics.
two years ago sandy was diagnosed with a form of cancer that no one survives. the day after my surgery in april, i got the news that i knew was coming at any moment. sandy was gone. 59 years old. a wonderful wife. three strong, smart, loving daughters. we all discovered knowing it s coming doesn t make it easier. in our four decades together, sandy and i never once agreed about politics. we never once voted for the same person. not once. we talked about politics a normal amount, which is to say, not a lot. certainly not as much as we talked about writing and movies and books that we love and our families and friends and all sorts of other things. we never avoided politics, we talked about it whenever it naturally came up. that s the way most people who aren t professionally engaged in politics talk about politics. we never once had a tense moment when talking about politics.