i know this is the first show and i think this guy needs a little support. dave letterman. all right, okay. good. all right. okay. where were we? jim, how important were the guests? i know you guys were concentrating on the writing, the writing the monologue, all that stuff. but these guys in many ways, carried the show. in fact, when bill was on in every way he carried the show. well, bill bill was a very important kind of guest because apart from everything else bill gave the show credibility, you know, having him on. but, to be honest with you, for the most part the guests were treated as like comedy objects that dave could could play off as not not as human beings in the normal sense, but
assists, you know? and it was dave who was thinking the three-pointer from the corner. but we were setting him up, putting him in a position where his mind, in that moment would go to something brilliant. all right. i ve got to get some commercials in. all right. oh, oh oh. we can keep talking. we re allowed to talk during the commercials. they won t see it. no no. it will be the goal. we can do the good stuff. are you dumping not at all. why are you deleting these photos? because my teeth are yellow. why don t you use a whitening toothpaste? i m afraid it s bad for my teeth. try crest 3d white. crest 3d white diamond strong toothpaste and rinse. .gently whiten. .and fortify weak spots. use together for 2 times stronger enamel.
and i kept feeling it. oh, my gosh, this pressure. all the crew. the crew wants you to really kill it. all these people whose jobs are going to end in two days. all these people. all these people whose viewing is going to end in two days want you to be so great. they want you really to be great. in my mind i know that s all false. i can t accept that. i can t wear that out there with me. i have to be empty of all that and just sort of be with the guy. i did okay. certainly early on i was pretty good. i did okay to be his friend and his fellow professional for a while. but you probably watched a little better than i did after that. i thought you did great. and i thought that what with dave it s always about he was always brutally honest. he never he had such an ethic about he never wanted to be like
i always felt like what the hell? let s play. because it was kind of like dave was you know dave had to make his bones. you know, dave had to make his bones. and because he had been so severe with people already, you felt like okay, these are the guys dave has chosen his writers. you know, he s insisting that you be of this standard. i always felt, come on let s try whatever you guys got. try whatever you guys got. those guys were extraordinary. they came up with great ideas. george and steve and jim. all these guys came up with great stuff. and you could because you know, i don t think most people understand, but, you know dave throws a part of himself out there. george and steve and jim throw part of their self and you throw a part of yourself. and the collective makes something that is better than any individual could have
and it made it when we were writing for him, what we were trying to do was we created things like we always felt like we were, like, making assists, you know? and it was dave who was thinking the three-pointer from the corner. but we were setting him up, putting him in a position where his mind, in that moment, would go to something brilliant. all right. i ve got to get some commercials in. all right. oh, oh, oh. we can keep talking. we re allowed to talk during the commercials. they won t see it. no, no. it will be the goal. we can do the good stuff. are you dumping not at all. troducing miracle-gro liquafeed universal feeder. turn any hose connection into a clever feeding system for a well-fed garden. miracle-gro. life starts here.