texas-oklahoma. are have you ever been to ocktoberfest, done it in germany? pete: have you? will: yes, i have done that. what is it like? it is a ball. it is rachel: was there more drinking than last night? will: very similar. it is, you go to a huge tent and, there is just people everywhere you stand. no seats. you stand at a table. you get to know people, strangers, it s a day event. you know, so it is drawn over long period of time. the mugs are gigantic. pete: yep. will: get a bruise, get a bruise underneath the knuckle, all day long you re lifting this. rachel: exercise. will: it is stereotypical of what they call them? maids? pete: as you see it in the movies. will: it really is. she comes out i don t know how many mugs. they are gigantic, she has a way of carrying them. it is so fun. rachel: how is the food? will: germany is not my favorite food. we re going to have some food out here. will: this is going to be excellent i m sure. pete: i ve been to a beer hall i
is the holiday s most controversial tweet, candy corn. more than 35 million-pounds of candy corn is produced annually. surveys taken around halloween people leave it or hate it. did you know the candy was originally called chicken feed. i did not know that. that makes sense. how do you feel about the tiny sweets? email us friends@foxnews.com. are you in and out for chicken feed? will: have you guys ever heard it talked about, what is the plant in a lot of mexican dishes, sew lawn troh. rachel: love solantro. if i say it, if i tell you i m about to tell a bunch of people. this happened to me. i loved it. now i can only taste soap. rachel: some people say it tastes like soap. will: all i ever say is tastes like soap.