pete: if you know the people who have pursued the legalization process. if they know they are up against running out of time most of them say i will have to go back and reapply and want to come back legally. ed: they did it the right. pete: these are folks who say i know i m here illegally and want by the government and this sanctuary city wants to hide me. when they say hey, pete, you guys hate immigrants. love immigration. illegal immigration is the problem. don t conflate the two issues. ed: you have some in the mainstream media basically warning illegal immigrants what s to come. immigration and customs enforcement is expected to launch a deportation crack down this weekend rounding up thousands of migrants including families. critics in targeted cities like here in miami fear they could lead to even more family separation. as ice comes knocking do not open your door. this is outrageous.
chain migration. makes no national security sense. love immigration but we have to do it better. i m not so sure about chain migration. we will get the facts. i got go. i want bill to get in there real quick. there is a reasonable debate to be had about running immigration policy and relationship between merit based or skills base and family unification. the demagoguery we hear from trump surrogates makes it impossible for people to come together and have a serious conversation about immigrtion. the proposal from the president is not to shift toward skills base. it is to reduce the overall level substantially. biggest reduction since 1920s. we do have a worker shortage too. that is a fact. thank you all for sharing your thoughts with us and your perspective. we really do appreciate the passionate debate. reminder to stay with cnn of the live coverage for the president s first state of the union address. this tuesday beginning a the 5:00 p.m. eastern when our coverage starts.
pollster of bush said smartly couldn t have become president without 40% of the hispanic vote and that s exactly what he got. matthew doud says today because of the growth, no republican can get to the white house without at least 44% of the hispanic vote. steve is right. economy is number one issue but when you talk in hateful manner amid mixed status families and say we love the parents because here legally. hate your grandparents because not here legally. that s not something. respond and then move on. we don t say we hate anyone. love immigration and also the law and it s important. by the way the people most unfairly affected by illegal immigration are hispanics. they have to compete in the labor market against illegals