Friends of Eater Miami Share Their Go-To Spots for Takeout, Delivery, and Outdoor Dining
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As we (finally!) put a cap on 2020, Eater surveyed a group of friends, writers, and all around experts for their take on the past year. We asked them ten questions: from top standbys to top newcomers, from best meals to restaurants they’ve broken up with. All will be answered by the time we turn off the lights at the end of the 2020. Responses are related in no particular order; all are cut, pasted, and (mostly) unedited herein. Responses do not necessarily reflect the views of Eater and Eater Miami.
we all love bond, we all have our favorite bonds. i have special thing, that special connection. all guys want to be james bond and, of course, we can t be. how close was your grandfather, i mean, have you been can he do all that fun stuff, fancy stuff? dangerous stuff? way back when he actually wrote a book about it called the hazard. way back when. it s somewhat different now with the bond movie. everything has evolved somewhat. i just saw the new bond movie yesterday. all about cyber terrorism. that s wasn t around some years ago. weighs good with the ladies? well, he got married to my grandmother. had four children. very happily married. slightly different. i think bond 88 bond girls. is that right? over the past 50 years. who your favorite bond? that s a very good question. i think daniel craig is great. i like him, too. post fallen word. a bit more serious. one liners in sky fall. you have to go with conry. don t you?
understand it, but i do believe everything everything a strong love bond there. i think both of them believe the other is the strongest, funniest, when 2016 is approaching, he will be whispering saying the world and the country needs you. you have got to run. i agree and i wonder how you know that best. when did you get the best look at the emotional and personal tie? where did you get that from? i talked to people from arkansas what who have seen them together. i think the real secret of the marriage is hard to get through. people who know them won t talk about their marriage. it is clear they do have this bond. they have stuck with it through everything. you remember in 1992, bill clinton was with the 60 minutes
coming. what s your bet after a year of interviewing people who know him, does he want his wife hillary clinton to be the next president? i believe he does. you know, people try to analyze the clinton marriage, and it s very hard for the rest it s hard to analyze their marriage, but i do believe there is despite everything a strong love bond. i believe each one thinks the other is the smartest, most charming, funniest, wittiest, most capable person in fact world. i m sure bill clinton when 2016 is approaching he ll be whispering in her ear saying the world needs you, the country needs you, you got to run. i agree with you. where did you get that best look at their emotional tie, their personal tie apart from politics? where did you get that from? what s your best sources on that? well, i have talked to some people from arkansas that have has seen them together. i think the real secret of the marriage is hard to get through. people who really know them