I was still shaking. “I never felt so angry,” I said. “Never ever. I want to club him to death like a baby seal. Just take a lead pipe or a baseball bat and smash him all over.”
We’d known about one another for years but had never met. Only a handful of people like us in this world, we matched on Tinder. One of our mutual friends told me that his ex-wife had a restraining order against him. I said, “Sounds passionate.”
At every meeting I raise the amount, first one hundred and fifty, then two hundred, then two hundred and fifty to erase his apathy, to wrest from him a jolt of interest or at least greed; but after just a few days he gets comfortable with the new state of affairs (which is destroying me economically, and much more quickly than I had foreseen), he mentally registers that he’ll make more from me and he takes it for granted from that moment on.
There are many Christians who buy into these lies who wait to have sex who have false expectations and are disappointed when they realize it's not what they were told it would be.