ask that. i m sorry you can ask her that question. so what do you think? would you recommend she had told everybody everything? i don t know. i really don t know. i m sure she will be asked that question question. if there were a candidate running for governor in lousiana. just like you asked jeb push would you sign the mike pence thing? he said, yeah i would. ask him a legitimate question. so would you say to that person, hey, listen it s probably better you get it all out there. i wipe out just the personal e-mails for the personal and state department e-mails? i don t know the answer to it. what would you sa i to a young candidate coming to you in. because you are strategizing. i m asking you a general question. you want major questions. i will say to any candidate is say what it is it s a contradiction and deal is with
again in arizona, so this is sort of the end of the line for her so what, could, is there anything the president the white house the supporters, what can they do to get the governor of lousiana the government of mississippi, states like this, what can they do to get get them to say, okay. we will sign won medicaid expansion. i think the time will be the main thing here. it s been more than a year. lolts of time has passed. a few republican governors have actually signed on. so if you think of them, there are about 30 republican governors, i d say almost a half signed on to expanding medicaid and tear state. if you look at john case kasich in ohio, he said, we need this for the state we need the money. we will do this on our own. that you notice will they can it to independent court. tennessee is looking at this.