MATTAWA Mattawa-area residents can watch a movie Friday night and get information on all things health-related at the same time. The city of Mattawa is sponsoring a combination and movie night and health fair beginning at 4 p.m. Friday at Hund Memorial Park, 101 Government Road. It's the second of three movie nights this summer.
“We decided to do themes this year, (to) be able to provide more for the community,” said Mattawa Mayor Maria Celaya.
Kennewick Police Partnership Program Gets Fraternal Recognition
Big time props go out to KPD and their partner, Lourdes Health, who hooked up to provide a community program that is working so well, it has been featured in more than one fraternal police publication because the program works in the here and now, and it provides a model what other departments can do within their communities to adopt what s going on here, moving forward. So, what s going on here?
Tim Dees KPD-MHP
It s the Mobile Outreach Team partnership. The Lourdes Mobile Outreach Team has been riding shotgun with officers working the day and evening patrol shifts. The mental health counselors are employed by Lourdes Counseling Center, part of the Lourdes Health system. The program is funded by a Trueblood grant from Disability of Rights Washington and the Seattle Foundation until June 2022. Once the grant is complete, other funding resources will be necessary.