access to the food, but it s mainly, i think it s about that control of what you re consuming, what you re putting into your body. it s not just what s available. basically, hawaii being exploited for its resources, tourism and in the community here you see the poverty, the homeless walking along the streets and stuff, the health problems. something is wrong. but the people have the power to make a difference. nobody can do it alone. none of us knew each other six months ago. now we know each other and we can have these kind of conversations of where do we see our food system going? in the next five, ten, 15, 20 plus years. it s so interesting to sit at a table that s so clearly ethnically and racially diverse. we have been everybody represented here. we can fix all the problems right now. this is what leadership looks like. this is like ancestral. the same type of table ancestors sat around in this valley, solved these types of problems. thanks for letting me come here today
you want to hear something that will make your head explode, hawaii produces less than 40% of its own food. 38% of its fresh fruit, 30% of its vegetables and only 9% of its pro protein. you ve seen pictures of hawaii, things grow here year round. but over time hawaii s farmland was sold to property developers because hawaii farmers couldn t compete against the mainland growers. over on oahu though i found some people trying to solve the farming problem. enter ma o farms, organic farm. while most think organic farm, we think overpriced apples. this place is trying to start a food revolution to give hawaii back its food sovereignty. the head of the farm explains. the valley to are in is in louloua valley, ancestors were completely self-sufficient. how do we dig into that and find those values and put them into the 21st century context so it benefits everybody? so the way the farm works is we recruit young adults from our community to run a daily
sat around in this valley, solved these types of problems. thanks for letting me come here today. why forge intake valves out of titanium, simply to make them a few grams lighter? why make paddle shifters out of magnesium when aluminum would suffice? because when you re crafting performance. .no measure is too extreme. the lexus lc and lc hybrid experience amazing at your lexus dealer.
38% of its fresh fruit, 30% of its vegetables and only 9% of its pro protein. you ve seen pictures of hawaii, things grow here year round. but over time hawaii s farmland was sold to property developers because hawaii farmers couldn t compete against the mainland growers. over on oahu though i found some people trying to solve the farming problem. enter ma o farms, organic farm. while most think organic farm, we think overpriced apples. this place is trying to start a food revolution to give hawaii back its food sovereignty. the head of the farm explains. the valley to are in is in louloua valley, ancestors were completely self-sufficient. how do we dig into that and find those values and put them into the 21st century context so it benefits everybody? so the way the farm works is we recruit young adults from our community to run a daily