can your internet do that? we ve been a nation too long at war. if you re 20 years old today, you ve never known an america at peace. so when i hear that we could have, should have continued the so-called low-grade effort in afghanistan at low risk to our service members, at low cost, i don t think enough people understand how much we have asked of the 1% of this country who put that uniform on, willing to put their lives on the line in defense of our nation. a lot of our veterans and their families have gone through hell. deployment after deployment, months and years away from their families, missed birthdays, anniversaries, empty chairs at holidays, financial struggles,
hard we can lean forward and address these issues. the aftermath that you re describing and the kind of scale of effort that you re talking about putting into effect now is going to have to be a very resource-intensive effort. do you have resources coming in? do you have the right kind of communication with not just state resources but federal resources in terms of scaling up to do the kinds of remediation that you re talking about? we re talking about a lot of people needing to be moved and taken care of in a place that has very little resources to offer of its own. are the right communication lines open, and do you feel like you have a way to tap the resources you need? so let me say from a political standpoint the response has been excellent. we ve had a tremendous amount of support from congressman carter and from cedric richmond, who you know is a major adviser for president biden.
clinic clients say in 50 years, they had never had such a terrible day for patients so desperate to get in. nancy northup, the president and ceo of the center for reproductive rights, who has in the last hour or two filed another emergency request, or response to an emergency filing in the supreme court. we are awaiting word from the supreme court tonight as to whether or not this new law will be allowed to go into effect in texas. it would be effectively the first abortion ban in the country in the era of roe. nancy, thanks for helping us keep apprised. i know it s going to be a long, late, intense night for you. thank you. thank you for covering it. all right. we ve got much more news ahead here tonight. again, i will say, you know, and nancy mentioned this as well. there is a lot going on in the news right now in the afghanistan story, the louisiana story, and so much else that we re covering. texas passed its anti-voting rights bill tonight, for example. there s so much that