Louisiana officials are pushing a secretive process for nursing home evacuation reviews because they believe the process will allow the facilities to be frank with the state about how their emergency plans fare in the face of natural disasters.
The proposal from Gov. John Bel Edwards’ administration to tighten up rules for nursing home hurricane evacuations would prohibit state records about how well those plans are executed from being released publicly.
The proposal from Gov. John Bel Edwards’ administration to tighten up rules for nursing home hurricane evacuations would prohibit state records about how well those plans are executed from being released publicly.
The proposal from Gov. John Bel Edwards’ to tighten up rules for nursing home hurricane evacuations would prohibit state records on how well those plans are executed from being released publicly.
Gov. John Bel Edwards and the Legislature’s leadership have not yet prioritized fixing the legal loopholes that allowed for the transfer of nursing home residents to a building with little food, few toilets and inadequate staff during a natural disaster.