I want to try to explore some of the different Delivery Systems that youre talking about there, whether its space heating, efficient design, housing technologies. I was out in an isolated territory with the secretary of state on friday. You realize how isolated these communities are, even communities of significant size and significant resource. But the challenges they face, they also are exclusively powered by diesel. And expensive. Extraordinarily, extraordinarily expensive. So how we deal with this. And weve got so much to learn from one another. And this is where i think we have certain advantages coming at us as we take over the chair of the arctic counsel, how we can be partnering with our northern neighbors in understanding some of the best technologies that are out there. But i would encourage us to look at what we have, developing in alaska, whether its the Cold Climate Housing Research center, the Innovative Technologies that have been coming out of there in regards to sustai
Since 2003, Crossroads Pregnancy Resource Center s goal has been to serve women, men and families facing unplanned pregnancy in a safe, confidential, judgment-free environment.