you know what is weird? acorn is doing that. now, that s weird. here is the california acorn website. surprisingly, just changed their name. alliance of californians for community um porement. no longer acorn. if you look at the bottom of the website it says we re in transition. check back soon for more information. acorn new york is now new york communities for change. connecticut, rhode island and massachusetts, acorn is now new england united for justice. acorn housing is now affordable housing centers of america. acorn arkansas is now arkansas community organizations. louisiana acorn, yeah, community voice. minnesota acorn, minnesota neighborhood organizing for change. missouri acorn is now missouriens organizing for reform and empowerment. pennsylvania acorn is now pennsylvania communities organizing for change. washington acorn is now organization united for
you know what is weird? acorn is doing that. now, that s weird. here is the california acorn website. surprisingly, just changed their name. alliance of californians for community um porement. no longer acorn. if you look at the bottom of the website it says we re in transition. check back soon for more information. acorn new york is now new york communities for change. connecticut, rhode island and massachusetts, acorn is now new england united for justice. acorn housing is now affordable housing centers of america. acorn arkansas is now arkansas community organizations. louisiana acorn, yeah, community voice. minnesota acorn, minnesota neighborhood organizing for change. missouri acorn is now missouriens organizing for reform and empowerment. pennsylvania acorn is now pennsylvania communities organizing for change. washington acorn is now organization united for