His work shaped the medical field as we know it and recently published this pioneer. Today we are pleased doctor jacobs present along with his work and Lessons Learned from it and will begin conversation with Janet Napolitano the university of california former secretary of u. S. Department of Homeland Security area and what they say a bit more about each. A graduate of the school of medicine in st. Louis kurt jacobs in 1975 joined the faculty from 1970. She has received numerous awards for the contributions to medical education. Doctor jacobs served as the associate dean for education and student affairs. In 1997 doctor jacobs was appointed rector of the Clinical Cancer Center and she served as the director of the Clinical Cancer Program for joint health care program. Its been noted and has held several positions in the cancer arena. She leaves the University System with ten campuses, five medical centers, three affiliated laboratories and a statewide agriculture program. As the presi