What started as a push by state education officials for targeted reading intervention as part of the new Ohio operating budget became a dissection of private school funding and billions in COVID funding still remaining in education coffers.
It’s Tax Day, and whether you look on this day with appreciation or dread, here are eight tax truths all Ohioans need to know.
1) Taxes pay for things that benefit everyone.
State taxes are how we pool our resources to pay for projects, programs and services that benefit the public good,.
Ohio would become the 24th state in the U.S. to repeal the death penalty if this passes both the Senate and House and is signed into law by Gov. Mike DeWine
Guillermo Bervejillo, PhD | Zach Schiller
Ohioans—no matter where we live or what we look like—want to live in resilient and thriving communities. To build these communities we must pool our resources and embark on projects that ensure prosperity and well-being as widely as possible. Taxes are the tool to do.