criminals. a conference call for organizing for america or organizing for action fraying audio blackouts and connection problems. the president hoped to rally support, and he did that during the call but many could not get through on the other end. the health care law hitting those in the pocketbook. it passes muster on the new federal rule. and kids are looking at premiums ten types higher than in the past or cancelling the plans altogether. lou dobbes. this is sticker shot and a report in reuteres. students used to be able to pay one they used to be able to
than expected. lou dobbes here is explain why it is so critical. i am great, bill, and the reason we have a problem or specifically, the president has a problem, it is all about cost averaging. young people in the model for obama care are supposed to be picking up the high price of medical care for older americans. it is not happening because younger americans are not enrolling not anywhere near the rates the model anticipated and it is far more than a problem with the website. the basic fundmental economic model is brokening here. and while there is great expressions of optimisms of that reversing itself later as we move to the end of the nt presi young people are expected to come in and why you have seen the stocks of united health care and a etna, and ciowa gna, and
can the numbers still add up if people check out? lou dobbes is host of fox business network. wol start with enroll alaska, it was designed to help people enroll in obama care, but they say they have given up because there is a problem with the subsidy calculator and there is another organization in washington state, i think it is the state exchange is also having a math problem with the calculator on the web site. are these just glitches or a national problem. the national term is using glitches to talk about fundmental issues and problems and failures on health and in the case of enroll alaska, when obama care rolled out, they have enrolled three folks in obama care. in the case of the washington
lou dobbes makes a good point. you wonder how much of that sebelius will talk about tomorrow? you wonder if they know? or her answer every time they badger her with a question. law makers looking to the answer to so many questions of what the government knew and web site. what do the web site delays mean for the implementation of the law. one year ago today a monster storm settled over the northeast affecting millions of people and the recovery and progress made since super storm sandy. and bringing terrorist to justice on benghazi. we ll talk on a law makers looking for that exact answer, next. every time i see this on tv, i see bloody finger prints
electricate. that is not an attack on the working women. it is an implicit attack on the working women. it is southern conservatives talking about working women are causing problems in the education system. who specifically. they were not law makers. that was lou dobbes. and phil bryant who made a comment both partner, working and pursuing the careers and women are in the work place and that s how he explained some of the problems and he walked that back. i am talking about two- parent working households and not putting it on the women. they make the comments and they dial them back. but there is a fundmental basis of truth in the essence of what they are saying. there is research that shows