Died on the spot. Come on, guys, tell us, we were sitting in the car, watching the object drove up, garin stikhanovich, went to the object in a cafe, then a wheelbarrow drove up, better a man in work clothes, took a box with a tool and went here, then they heard the shots, ran here, ran, saw a man in a working uniform , shouted that he had thrown his weapon, he opened fire on panama. Continued his pursuit. He left through the kitchen, when he returned, the guys were already lying. Behind this is work clothes. Major firsova tell us in detail how it all meant, look, our regular guest has come, as usual, sat down at his table. I started to serve it when i brought it, the second. More went. Two people came up to his table. I went to replace because i thought they were together. And he has tools in his hands. He his throws away the gun there, and he starts shooting at these two who have come. And then two more oni, with whom you have just talked, run away, they start screaming for him to dr