“The Pirates 2” co-stars Lee Kwang Soo and Kwon Sang Woo, two of the greatest actors in South Korean industry, reunite in the upcoming hyperrealistic comedy series “X of Crisis” this fall.
#LeeKwangSoo #KwonSangWoo #ThePirates2 #XofCrisis
Despite the low ratings during its broadcast, the South Korean remake of the American sitcom “Entourage” generated buzz today, even reaching audiences outside the country.
#Entourage #ChoJinWoong #LeeKwangSoo #SeoKangJoon #ParkJungMin #LeeDongHwi
Damsel in distress and quirky female characters have stolen the hearts of many viewers since day one, but today’s generation is totally in love with the empowered, badass and independent women. Here are four female detectives that will capture your attention with their tactics and charisma!
#Signal #KimHyeSoo #Happiness #HanHyoJoo #MyName #HanSoHee #BadandCrazy #HanJiEun
Actor Sehun is back! After the success of “Now, We Are Breaking Up” and “The Pirates: The Last Royal Treasure,” idol-actor Sehun returns to the small screen with a new TVING romance drama “Love, Do it.”
#EXO #Sehun #LoveDoIt #ThePirates #Pirates2 #ThePiratesTheLastRoyalTreasure