it s not my favorite outut of al the candidates out there who have plans, but there are things that are important. recognizing climate is an issue that can no longer be ignored and we can t be in this land of climate change, climate crisis denying and actually have something left for our children and our grandchildren. in terms of our goals, it s necessary.the terms of the amouy being spent and whether it can be done. laura: by 2050, fully decarbonized.the economy. fully. this is hard because we are all made of carbon and we re spewing carbon kai oxide. $200 million to help poor countries do their own primate stuff. i would like to put that into baltimore, chicago l.a., san francisco, i would like to not fight these foreign wars. bernie and i agree on a lot of military intervention, i mon totally with him on a lotf that stuff.but this is i m sorrt want to say it, with you it bu.
well, the el paso shooting is something that was resounding accumulation of what the president is basically saying the moment he went down the escalators. the shooter used the words of invasion and infestation. the drove he said i went tael paso to cause maximum harm and as the president is landing in elpaseo, you have one of the largest ice raids in our nation s history. so it s hard to get this idea that the president was in el paso to control while running the operations that separated families and when you heard the secretary talk a little bit about how many, he knew the precise number of criminals. but he couldn t tell you how many people were documented, how many were american citizens. in fact a lotf of the folks in the plant were actually el paso natives. not just the optics but it s not
media companies and they re going to have to get creative to solve it. what does government regulation look like of social media companies on this issue? because that first amendment ska big hurdle. i don t think it s actually going to be very much possible. frankly i don t think there s a way the government can crack down on these companies and still value the first amendment properly. you re going to have a lotf of resistance from companies like ours, like in the press that are going to be frankly ways i think that government can misuse regulation against the press if in fact they with were to enact it. i think it s really tricky for them to put something in place. charley, is this a case where it s going to take public pressure off these private companies to do something because of what jumeal just said? because that s the part of this i can t get my arms around is
members of the government. these are such hollow from the president that eveten the white supremacists don t believe them. so there s no reason for them to evenb fear because we ve not heard any real firm declarations, less known threats that we will not tolerate you behaving in a violent and criminal manner in the name of white nationalism or they have not heard it more importantly. they feel why do they have to say it loudly if the president will say it for them. if you track them and we heard from some brought into and were recruit under to thesis hate groups. a lot of it is so frighten and unbelievable that a lotf of the american public have looked the other way. but as we keep seeing what we re seeing with this essay from elpaseo.
could tell that it was from the heart and that he is deeply troubled by the assault on women s rights to choose. and so a leader dash i think it s a real profile incurage. he had to change a position he s held for the last 40 years. for those people that want to eliminate the hyde amendment, first off all we have to win back the senate. and what helps us win back the senate is vice president biden s nomination as the it president noman. he ll 12 points up in north carolina over donald trump. it s early on. i got a lotf of questions i want to askia. i want to ask you about simone sanders. she confronted biden, telling