KERALA LOTTERY RESULT Friday 01-09-2023 Live: Among the seven monthly lotteries one is Kerala Lottery NIRMAL. Each Friday at 3 PM, the Kerala NIRMAL lottery draw is conducted. Every lottery has an alphanumeric code to identify it, and the Kerala NIRMAL lottery code is Kerala LotteryNR because it includes the draw number as well as the code. KeralaNIRMAL lotto was priced at just Rs. 40.
KERALA LOTTERY RESULT Friday 25-08-2023 Live: Among the seven monthly lotteries one is Kerala Lottery NIRMAL. Each Friday at 3 PM, the Kerala NIRMAL lottery draw is conducted. Every lottery has an alphanumeric code to identify it, and the Kerala NIRMAL lottery code is Kerala LotteryNR because it includes the draw number as well as the code. KeralaNIRMAL lotto was priced at just Rs. 40.
KERALA LOTTERY RESULT Saturday 19-08-2023 Live: Among the seven monthly lotteries one is KARUNYA. Each Saturday at 3 PM, the KARUNYA lottery draw is conducted. Every lottery has an alphanumeric code to identify it, and the KARUNYA lottery code is KR because it includes the draw number as well as the code. KARUNYA lotto was priced at just Rs. 40.