The Wayfarers story: weaving what was and what is into a new adventure news - Wayfarers: Call of Osiris
Jack and Leila Dawes explore real Egyptian pyramids and temples and delve into their mythical underworlds to free themselves from an ancient curse. The extensive traversing and fighting may take a toll on their bodies, but even greater is the burden of the dark calamity tearing at their souls.
Post newsReportRSS The Wayfarers story: weaving what was and what is into a new adventure
Writing the story of Wayfarers was a joint effort. What was already in place and what was added on top of the existing structure?
The Wayfarers story: weaving what was and what is into a new adventure by Simon Sukljan on 02/26/21 11:14:00 am The following blog post, unless otherwise noted, was written by a member of Gamasutras community. The thoughts and opinions expressed are those of the writer and not Gamasutra or its parent company.
One of the many murals our adventurers spot in the course of their undertaking.
How’s it going, videogame enthusiasts? My name is Sergej Hvala and I joined the Call of Osiris project three years ago as lead designer and storywriter. At the time, Call of Osiris was codenamed The Old Kingdom, and the title is still used internally today. It sounds cool enough, but I felt it was a bit too nondescript and inaccurate to keep as a true title. Sure, the story contains heavy allusions to the Old Kingdom period in Egypt’s history, spanning the period from 2686 to 2181 BC. But that early title also evoked medieval E
Wayfarers: Call of Osiris Windows, XSX, XONE, PS5, PS4 game
of fire and water and all-conquering sand.”
Wayfarers: Call of Osiris reignites the love of classic archeological adventure!
Jack and Leila Dawes, a married American couple, travel to Egypt and get caught in the middle of a war between age-old deities. In this story-driven third-person adventure, you take control of the soldierly Jack and challenge the evil god Set, with the help of your wife, the erudite Leila. Set had killed
Osiris, the rightful and benevolent ruler of the underworld, and taken the throne for himself, which simply will not do. Jack is a fighter, Leila a scholar, together they’ll fight Set, and tighten his collar!