- Science - Energies, Vol. 16, Pages 3637: 3D Transient CFD Simulation of an In-Vessel Loss-of-Coolant Accident in the EU DEMO WCLL Breeding Blanket (Energies)
You walk into a local chain drugstore to buy shampoo and notice that the in-store health clinic is offering flu shots, and there’s no wait. You’re overdue for that vaccination,
is that right? so light bridge has reimagined nuclearfuel. we re designing it. we re testing it. we have a strategic relationship with the us government to do this in us government facilities at national laboratories. and this fuel will bring a tremendous increase in power to the existing reactors or new ones. and the fuel also really breaks the chain between anything between nuclear fuel and something that could be used in a nuclear weapon. so this is a fuel that also has tremendous safety advancements, and within what s called a design basis, loss of coolant accident, should we use the technical term, this fuel won t produce hydrogen, which is what exploded at fu kushima. so what we ve reimagined and are now testing is really a unique, tremendous leap forward for the nuclear power industry, for the existing big reactors and the coming small ones. and seth, let me end on this, what some people call the holy
we re designing it. we re testing it. we have a strategic relationship with the us government to do this in us government facilities at national laboratories. and this fuel will bring a tremendous increase in power to the existing reactors or new ones. and the fuel also really breaks the chain between anything between nuclear fuel and something that could be used in a nuclear weapon. so this is a fuel that also has tremendous safety advancements and within what s called a design basis, loss of coolant accident, you use the technical term. this fuel won t produce hydrogen, which is what exploded at fukushima. so what we ve reimagined and are now testing is really a unique, tremendous leap forward for the nuclear power industry, for the existing big reactors and the coming small ones. and seth, let me end on this, what some people call the holy grail, nuclearfusion, a potential source of
graphite, they can be slowed down far enough to cause a fission in uranium atoms. light water reactors, which is what they have in japan and also in the united states, the water is what slows down the neutrons as opposed to the graphite. in the case of a light water reactor if you have a loss of coolant accident, which is what we ve experienced at three mile island and at the daiichi plants, when the coolant goes away, you also lose your moderators. so the reaction shuts down. in the case of chernobyl, the moderator stayed there, it was graphite. it didn t evaporate. in laymen s terms, the concern everyone is talking about, in the media especially and reports from the ground, is the fear of a meltdown. in laymen s terms explain what a meltdown is and why that is considered to be the worst case scenario. the fuels are made of ceramic and surrounded by metal. you can actually make a ceramic become hot enough to melt and it would melt just like a candle would.