Archaeologists have discovered the oldest known adobe architecture in the Americas in the Pampa de las Salinas on the north coast of Peru. - HeritageDaily - Archaeology News
After floods in ancient Peru, people didn’t just grieve over lost crops. They got to work cutting mud bricks and building adobe temples to their gods.
By Fernando Gimeno Lima, Nov 26 (EFE).- The earliest known monumental adobe structure in the Americas has been unearthed from the sand in a desolate, inhospitable desert enclave of Peru’s northern coast, a find that shows that earthen architectural tradition dates back between 5,100 and 5,500 years. These ancient buildings constructed from adobe – a …
A new archaeological discovery that could change the history of Peru was made at Los Morteros site in the Chao Valley (La Libertad region). An investigation has discovered the oldest adobe monumental construction in the Americas, which is 5500-5100 years old and is believed to be older than <a href=""target=" blank"