Its our very pleasure to stay with you here. Damian thank you. Well, he said he didnt speak any english, but hes surprising us right now. Eighty years of banda recodo. Eighty years, thats not easy to say. How does it feel to be doing it for 80 years . [speaking foreign language] with a large trajectory, since 1938. So excited. [speaking foreign language] oscar so many times, were traveling, making music for our fans, and making music for all the peoples in the five continents. Because we stay in japan, australia, and morocco, africa. Damian they like banda in japan . Oscar yeah, yeah. In 2002no, in the work up to 2002, we stayed in japan and making many performances in, like, five places in japan, and making so many friends because thewe have communication with friends in japan. And then, we traveled into australia. And making music for the people in australia is so funny, because the people stay in their seats, make move, but dont stand up. And we damian try to encourage them. Oscar y
But hes surprising us right now. Eighty years of banda recodo. Eighty years, thats not easy to say. How does it feel to be doing it for 80 years . [speaking foreign language] Oscar Alvarez were all so excited. Alfonso excited, and a pleasure to stay in this banda with a large trajectory, since 1938. [speaking foreign language] oscar so many times, were traveling, making music for our fans, and making music for all the peoples in the five continents. Because we stay in japan, australia, and morocco, africa. Damian they like banda in japan . Oscar yeah, yeah. In 2002no, in the work up to 2002, we stayed in japan and making many performances in, like, five places in japan, and making so many friends because thewe have communication with friends in japan. And then, we traveled into australia. And making music for the people in australia is so funny, because the people stay in their seats, make move, but dont stand up. And we damian try to encourage them. Oscar yeah, and [speaking foreign l
Well, he said he didnt speak any english, but hes surprising us right now. Eighty years of banda recodo. Eighty years, thats not easy to say. How does it feel to be doing it for 80 years . [speaking foreign language] Oscar Alvarez were all so excited. Alfonso excited, and a pleasure to stay in this banda with a large trajectory, since 1938. [speaking foreign language] oscar so many times, were traveling, making music for our fans, and making music for all the peoples in the five continents. Because we stay in japan, australia, and morocco, africa. Damian they like banda in japan . Oscar yeah, yeah. In 2002no, in the work up to 2002, we stayed in japan and making many performances in, like, five places in japan, and making so many friends because thewe have communication with friends in japan. And then, we traveled into australia. And making music for the people in australia is so funny, because the people stay in their seats, make move, but dont stand up. And we damian try to encourage
Un gran jurado en georgia lo acusa formalmente por su presunto intento de cambiar los resultados de Las Elecciones de 2020 en georgia. El expresident e reacciono diciendo que es una caceria de brujas continua, y que ha sido acusado por una fiscal muy corrupta, que hizo campana bajo el lema atrapar e a trump. Borja en este caso no hay tres scene cuatro. Entre los cargos del exmandatario, declaraciones falsas, usurpacion de cargo publico, falsificacion de documentos y presion a testigos, este entre otros cargos. Pedro rojas esta desde atlanta, georgia, y las reacciones hasta esta hora. Buenas tardes. Pedro definitivamente, como lo has dicho, este es un caso que eleva la presion legal al expresident e, donald trump, son 13 cargos, pero el mas grave de esta acusacion que envuelve a 19 personas y tiene 41 acusaciones, es el cargo de participar en una organizacion criminal. Eso eleva las condiciones, y como decia ayer la fiscal fanny willis en este condado, ese cargo no tiene Libertad Condic
Satcha buenos dias 19 de marzo. Hoy siete dias para abonar te diremos que pasa si no paga los 400 esta 4 millones. Karla la Corte Suprema bloquea de manera indefinida la ley sb4. Satcha a Cadena Perpetua condenan a una madre hispana que abandona a su hija de dieciseis meses para irse de vacaciones a detroit y puerto rico. La muerte de la pequena se puede evitar y asi reacciona la sentenciada. Luto en el mundo de las telenovelas muere Nicandro Diaz. Karla el portal tmz publico una imagen de la princesa Kate Middleton que es noticia mundial. Ella no se parece a kate. Tenemos los ultimos detalles. Satcha nadie se puede perder la entrevista que le hace karla a thalia. Karla regresa a nuestra Casa Elizabeth gutierrez para contarnos algo que no podras creer. Ademas de Los Angeles Alan habla con el grupo firme y escucharas todas sus confesiones. bienvenidos a Despierta America [musica] con Despierta America se despierta bueno tomate un cafe con nosotros me dejas entrar a tu casa [cantan] karl