he created it out of cotton grown in guatamala and we ved it and shipped it to the bronx where more sew garments. pope francis wants to get out into the streets. he wants us to meet people where they are thinking about their identity and fashion is all about identity. it caught the eye of a vogue editor and cameron diaz who wore a pair of the shorts. it is not just clothing, he produces honey and they make bore, featured item in a fundraiser. i can relate more to him and me being hispanic and so i think it will be amazing. the if i los foe is not just running a business but the
there is drama of course. and as these scandals unfold there is a lot of talk that the president is a by stander than a leader. your reaction to that? i hope president obama is just as outraged as america is about what happened in the irs. that is outrageous no matter your political stripe and partisan nature and if i los foe. and i hope he is angry he was misled about the facts in benghazi. maybe he was not told the truth in benghazi and i hope he is angry on that. and he has a responsibility to lead the country and i expect the chief of staff appropriately told the white house do your job and don t let the investigations and scandals concern you. you do the job and help the president follow-through on the