Hurricane Julia touched the Caribbean coast of Nicaragua this Sunday at midnight with winds of 140 km/h, impacting between Orinoco and Laguna de Perlas
Meylin Obregon Soon to be Reunited with Her Son
The child’s father has withdrawn his custody request, opening the way for mother and son to be reunited within a few days.
Nicaraguan asylum seekers Meylin Obregon
and her ten-year-old son have lived through intense drama since leaving their home in southeastern Nicaragua. They are from
Muelle de los Bueyes, a municipality in Nicaragua’s South Caribbean department. Now, after many weeks, their journey may have reached a happy conclusion.
Lazaro Gutierrez, the boy’s father, has dropped his custody petition from Nicaragua. This decision allows the US immigration authorities to speed up the reunification process. This means mother and son will at last be reunited.