as many as seven tornadoes rip across the northern plains over the weekend, completely destroying at least one home, but even more severe weather may be on its way early this but even more severe weather may be on its way early this monday morning, august 9, 2010. captioning funded by cbs good monday morning, everyone. thanks for being with us. i m erica hill in for maggie rodriguez on maternity leave. good to see. you good to see you too. this story comes out and i have a dog and a cat and i saw it and i was a little worried. where it s safe to feed your pet, linking some pet foods to an outbreak of salmonella. important information for families this morning, especially those with young children where it is and it is not okay to clean and feed the pet food. the kids aren t eating the dry pet food. we want to begin with the massacre in afghanistan, hillary clinton calling it a depickable act. now they want to know why they killed the aid workers but let their