Why people are spending £250k on a service to clean up their online reputation
Cleaning up your online image is a daily concern for the likes of Khloe Kardashian and the world s most high-powered - but it s possible
The Kardashians are knowing for safely guarding their online personas
Credit: Getty Images
“When a person wants to clean up their online reputation, they come to us”, says John Giacobbi, founder of Web Sheriff, the self-proclaimed “world’s leading internet policing specialist”.
In the space of just hours, John has promised to make me “the best version of myself I can possibly be” (at least online) flagging every unsightly office party selfie, tone-deaf Tweet and embarrassing search result for the “Samuel Fishwick” name (he’ll let me know if I share my nom de plume, for instance, with a convicted cat burglar from Idaho).