Lorraine Dollard
Aidan Schuler, Special to The Times
Throughout the current COVID-19 pandemic, many children have struggled to make meaningful connections with role models they can look up to. Lorraine Dollard, 71, of Gales Ferry is hoping to help make a difference, as she is busy inspiring pre-school children at the Head Start program in Groton.
For her six years of mentorship, she recently was named Foster Grandparent of the Year by the Nutmeg Big Brothers Big Sisters program that covers eastern Connecticut.
Brian Kelly, director of marketing for Nutmeg Big Brothers Big Sisters, explained,
“Lorraine is a Foster Grandparent (senior mentor) in the Foster Grandparent Program, which is funded by the Corporation for National and Community Service and managed by Nutmeg Big Brothers Big Sisters. . Nutmeg has a strong Foster Grandparent Program in the regions of both Greater Hartford and southeastern Connecticut.”