A house-flipping couple spent $600,000 renovating a bayside home only to be told by the Canadian Department of Justice that they couldn’t sell it, accusing the local government of illegally auctioning off the property, according to a local report. "I hate it. It's a great house. It’s just so tainted," Lorna Tenniswood, told CTV. "It's
A family of four sunk $600,000 into a costal home renovation. Years later, the government sued them just as they were ready to put the property on the market.
A family of four sunk $600,000 into a costal home renovation. Years later, the government sued them just as they were ready to put the property on the market.
W5 investigates: A couple buys a historic house in Nova Scotia at auction and puts hundreds of thousands of dollars into renovations, but the local government says they don t own the property.