we look at that. we look at some of the medicaid issues, we are trying to work with our more moderate members on that. and as we look at this, what we have to do is the cbo score recently talked about loriwe lo premiums by 10% the next ten years. those premiums actually go up. for me, and the people that i serve, i ve made a commitment, i m not going to take one program that is not working well and replace it with another one that potentially won t work well. we have got to do better on placeme replacement side of that. you know there are more than 500,000 people in the state of north carolina who enjoy health care coverage because of the affordable care act, who got it on the exchanges there. right. can you tell them affirmatively that they will all be taken care of under the new republican plan? you know, i can tell you that what we are doing right now is with those, i was on the phone with our insurance commissioner in north carolina looking at this plan and looking where we