Against relegation games against 2 teams who are with them inside the League One relegation zone tomorrow it s a trip to Rochdale despite your missing you know coming off at half time on Saturday and not training today Karl Robinson is optimistic his captain will be on the coach to spot and quote We can in the full light you know it s going to see exactly yeah I m going to going on it s always always always better barely anything really worth talking about I m sure we will get to and I want to come back to it in a 2nd Spence s got the latest on the road for us this afternoon I mean he starts for his 1st of all slow moving traffic needs a horse path on the eastern bypass southbound to horse path road where you re going to be down to one lane in the road work section there horse past drift away and the Slade and Holloway all looking busy as a result of that on the camera view we just spotted in the Brandon car on the southern bypass from sea to Kensington they have now returned to watch