The online home of Light & Sound International - the entertainment technology monthly. Daily News, Video Hub, Events Listings, Marketplace, Recruitment.
The online home of Light & Sound International - the entertainment technology monthly. Daily News, Video Hub, Events Listings, Marketplace, Recruitment.
The online home of Light & Sound International - the entertainment technology monthly. Daily News, Video Hub, Events Listings, Marketplace, Recruitment.
The online home of Light & Sound International - the entertainment technology monthly. Daily News, Video Hub, Events Listings, Marketplace, Recruitment.
BTS backs National Mental Health Action Day
Thursday, 6 May 2021
‘Behind the Scenes views every day as Mental Health Action Day’
USA - The Behind the Scenes Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Initiative has announced its participation in the Mental Health Action Day, to be held on 20 May in partnership with more than 600 leading brands, non-profit organisations, government agencies, and cultural leaders. Over the past two decades, suicide rates have risen and the COVID pandemic has accelerated the already crisis, giving way to what many mental health professionals have called the “second pandemic”. Though more people than ever are comfortable discussing mental health, finding effective resources and knowing how to get help remains a challenge. Mental Health Action Day is an open-source movement to drive culture from mental health awareness to mental health action.