Residents gathered at Lake Sara on Saturday for the 2024 Effingham Law Enforcement Torch Run Polar Plunge, which helped raise a total of approximately $39,000 for Special Olympics Illinois athletes.
Greg Para's special relationship with parrots helped him through a harrowing period in his life and inspired him to form the Sarasota Parrot Conservatory.
ALPENA With flurries flying already this week, it really is beginning to look a lot like Christmas, and area churches are ready to get you in the holiday mo
∫ Art in the Loft, on the third floor of the Center Building at 109 N. 2nd Ave. in Alpena, is displaying its juried exhibit, “METALS” now through Nov. 9.
ALPENA The holidays are coming up, and Christmas craft bazaars are scheduled, including several this Saturday. Here is a list of some upcoming craft shows i