LOCK HAVEN As it continually looks for new ways to offer the best childcare for local children and their families, the Lock Haven branch of River Valley Reg
RAYMOND CONFAIR This image released by the Library of Congress shows Olivia Newton John, left, and John Travolta in a scene from the 1978 film “Grease.” The film was added to the National Film Registry. (Paramount Pictures-Library of Congress via AP)
The Clinton County Chapter of the Pennsylvania Association of School Retirees fulfilled its chapter goal for 2020: Expand a Project Alleviating Hunger. Board members of the chapter presented $500 to the Blessings in A Backpack program at the YMCA and $500 to the Clinton County Veterans Affairs towards food bank distribution. Lori Lohman, School Age Youth Administrator, and Beth Barlett, YMCA Executive Director, were presented a check by Carmen Banfill. Phyllis Grenoble, chapter Volunteer Chair, Donna Yost, Educational Support Chair, and Carmen Banfill, president, presented a check to Jennifer Hagaman, C.C.VA director, and Jeff Croak, service officer. During this pandemic, the chapter is helping programs for