/PRNewswire/ ISS Group, a premier IT Software Developer of Business Process and Internal Control solutions for QAD ERP, has announced their attendance as a.
High-speed pursuit responsibilities and other issues surrounding police activities
4:56 PM
This week, we focused on requiring the Supreme Court to consider the relevance of appropriate liability standards for police high-speed driving incidents, training and law enforcement policies in qualifying exemption cases, and the First Amendment to protect the right of recording police to perform official duties in public places.
In 1998, the Supreme Court hold High-speed police pursuits that lead to death due to “intentional or reckless indifference to life” do not infringe substantial due process rights, unless the official intentionally causes harm that is not related to the legally arrested target. Although the U.S. 8th and 9th Circuit Courts of Appeals follow strict “intentional injury” standards in all cases involving police driving at high speeds, other circuit courts have chosen more objective standards. The U.S. 3rd, 4th, 7th, and 10th Circuit Courts of Appeals investigate