In her new book, “Aspen and the American Dream: How One Town Manages Inequality in the Era of Supergentrification,” Stuber, an associate professor of sociology at the University of North Florida, explores how the Aspen of her childhood has shifted in an era of “supergentrification.” While the city has managed to maintain a working middle class, thanks in large part to an affordable housing program established in the 1970s, progressive political leadership and creative urban planning, moneyed interests threaten to tip the scales in favor of high-end development. In 2016, the City Council announced a complete moratorium on development. Over 10 months, it rewrote the land-use code to favor residents over developers.
Caminhando à noite no Reino Unido
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Caminhando à noite no Reino Unido
23 fevereiro 2021
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forbidding – scary or threatening
It has, for many of us, become a lockdown ritual. As darkness
descends, instead of settling down, it s the moment to head out. Short winter days often mean the only time we can escape for exercise is
after dark.
Caroline Whiteman, night walker
Our hearing becomes more sensitive. My sense of smell is more acute, and you can really appreciate the air on your face in a way that during daylight hours, these things go unnoticed.
Barbados visa for remote workers could be a model for tourism after the pandemic - if it s done right
Barbados visa for remote workers could be a model for tourism after the pandemic - if it s done right
Rachel HosieDec 24, 2020, 16:29 IST
Digital nomads in Barbados get the perks of working with a view, while also invigorating the economy.Rachel Hosie/Insider
After the pandemic hit, tourist hot spot
remote workers.
Following safety protocol, I visited the island in October to meet its new digital nomads and locals to see how the program is going.
Some Bajan business owners told Insider the Welcome Stamp has saved their companies and that Barbados can benefit from the influx of skilled workers.
Digital nomads in Barbados get the perks of working with a view, while also invigorating the economy.
Rachel Hosie/Insider
After the pandemic hit, tourist hot spot Barbados created the Welcome Stamp, a new visa for remote workers.
Following safety protocol, I visited the island in October to meet its new digital nomads and locals to see how the program is going.
Some Bajan business owners told Insider the Welcome Stamp has saved their companies and that Barbados can benefit from the influx of skilled workers.
However, along with more long-term visitors there’s the threat of gentrification, and the island has had to adapt rapidly to accommodate remote workers.