en goddisman and ed turner each wrote nows of pages and have dedicated themselves and much of their lives to this project. alyssa starjack has contributed extensively until her departure in the committee in 2011. other key contributors to the drafting, editing and review of the report were jennifer barrett, nick bassiano, mike buckwald, jim catella, eric chapman, john dickas, lorenzo goko, cleat johnson, michael noblet, michael pezner, tommy ross, caroline tess and james wolf. and finally, david granite who has been a never faltering staff director throughout this review.
chapman, john dickas, lorenzo goko, cleat johnson, michael noblet, michael pezner, tommy ross, caroline tess and james wolf. and finally, david granite who has been a never faltering staff director throughout this review. senator feinstein said it s really about american values and morals. it s about the constitution, the bill of right, our rule of law. and it s about the singular focus and relentless effort of jay rockefeller, dianne feinstein and the senate intelligence committee staff. senator rockefeller is in his final days as a united states senator. he will be missed. many americans who have prescriptions