A 10-gene assay predicted future cases of urothelial cancer, the most common form of bladder cancer, with a high degree of sensitivity and specificity.
In 2018, a cancer screening program began offering free advanced cancer screening to Arizona firefighters. By 2021, it became an early adopter of the Galleri test, running 1000s of the tests.
A cancer screening program in Arizona that offers the Galleri blood test to first responders provides some insight into how well the test can catch cancers in this high-risk group.
Patients with inflammatory bowel disease who had three or four specific acetyltransferases in their gut microbiota had a threefold higher risk for 5-ASA treatment failure.
Multicancer early detection tests are finally a reality and could be a potential game changer because may be able to screen for up to 50 different cancers in asymptomatic individuals with one blood draw.