LISBON A Pennsylvania resident accused of stealing from Walmart in 2020 was served Tuesday with a secret indictment issued by the Columbiana County Grand Ju
YOUNGSTOWN (WKBN) An East Liverpool man pleaded guilty Tuesday to a gun charge in federal court. Sentencing will be Nov. 30 in the U.S. Northern District
LISBON A Lisbon man who struck a North Market Street resident with a sword after trespassing in the occupied residence on June 4 was one of 36 defendants openly indicted by the Columbiana County Grand Jury this week. Jay Bauer, 36, North Market Street, was indicted for second-degree felonies of felonious assault and burglary […]
Common Pleas New Cases County Treasurer, Lisbon, vs. RTW Property Group LLC, Canfield, et al.; delinquent property tax foreclosure sought for state Route 14