Systems. Thank you so much. The chair the gentleman is recognized. The navy provides 30year cost estimates. I urge a novote on this amendment and i yield back. The chair the question is on the amendment offered by the gentleman from california. Mr. Rogers i ask for a reported vote. Further proceedings on the amendment offered by the gentleman from california will be postponed. The chair it is now in order to consider amendment number 11 printed in part b of house report 115212. It is now in order to consider amendment number 12 printed in part b of house report 115212. For what purpose does the gentleman from california seek recognition . Mr. Garamendi thank you, mr. Chairman. The chair does the gentleman wish to offer his amendment . Mr. Gare men tee yes, i have an amendment at the desk. The chair the clerk will designate the amendment. The clerk amendment number 12 printed in part b of house report 115212, offered by mr. Garamendi of california. The chair pursuant to House Resolution
Clear and precise and to get the pentagon to react in in doing so before it is too late. It to succeed to make that offset strategy real so it is more satisfying. You are up. Give us another perspective. And that terminology of spoiler alert with that budget request to throw cold water on it. And the perspective of the budget that came over recently. And what we will have with the new administration in place. The reality is and looking at the house of representatives of the of budget of 30 billion debate with the defense hawks and speaker ryan to see that budget expressed in oco which is roughly 23 billion higher. So even with the budget deal have not seen the debate to go beyond more than 10 or 20 year 30 million despite having the majority to put in for that last budget request the us senate announced a hearing or a budget that is essentially for them. We have a of a great discussion of the architecture of deep and important thinking that they probably will not have Appropriations Bi
We do that with a budget deal, it didnt take a billion for that. So if youre going to add another 18 billion or so and oak oh within the house of publican caucus right now they will not go along with it. The strategy has been floated that maybe you wait and have an additional request in the next administration. You basically pond and then wait for a new administration and new Congress Takes office and then try to take a new higher level of funding them. What do people think about that. It is very uncertain what would happen because of the election. The trick here is whether if i can go back to the crs, the trick here is timing. What is the risk of the weight in a transition year despite whoever comes in, whatever party comes in, there is always a. Of time sometimes a very substantial, think during the Bush Administration there is quick action to increase the Defense Budget but there is a huge risk. Of course that could be a strategy but timing on it, who comes in with the contents of i
Process, making sure that when we are making changes to our military members lives, that it is this body and his bodys worst responsibility that we are there to make sure we are providing the oversight to see if the changes that we made are doing what we intended them to do. And this deals with the commissary. Many in this committee might know, but our colleagues might not know, that is the Grocery Store and the military. Is nothing predictable in the military and it is very stressful. Grocery shopping should not be stressful. Is not a business. It is a benefit to the tune of about 300 per family member. Haveof those same families people working at the commissary. And the money from the commissary goes back into morale , welfare, recreation, and things to make military life improve. What we are doing, to be clear on this is, we are changing the way the commissarys work. Suggestion and i ask you to think of this from a. Oldiers perspective the mandate was to modernize the military, the
U. S. Constitution is the word drug mentioned and according to the ninth and tenth amendments if it aint listed in the constitution as powers of the federal government anything they do on this subject is void a ab anecio, thats how black lives matters and defenders of the bill of rights, you in this room, can get together. Thank you. Thank you, neil. Thank you, neil. And thank you, again, allen. Great. Im going to bring up my next panel. Get my cheat sheet for it had is outreach in a brave new world. And our participants are phil watson, senior project director of the Second Amendment foundation who helped put together our shoot on friday so many of you probably got to meet him. Brian hartung and Andrew Gottlieb the newest member of the saf team, director of outreach and development. Im here to tell andrew that, yes, you can work with your parents. So, well let andrew start it off with about eight minutes, andrew. Hi there, everybody. So, i got a question for all of you to start. How m