of us, a long negotiating path, but 2020 candidates are happy this is going on. neil: you could switch it around and just say he will argue back i m the guy who brought them to this. right. neil: and you guys did not. i was just going to say, president trump has escalated the major concerns that we are having with china, the theft, the stealing, the intellectual property, the cheating, the list goes on and on. 500 billion dollars a year that the u.s. was losing, so because of the tariffs, the president has flipped this around and now people are paying attention and watching what is going on with china and what will be done with china going down the road. neil: you know, looking at the markets, and i talk to these guys all the time, and one of the things they always say better any deal than no deal. even if it s a bad deal. but to jessica s point, it better be a deal that given the