The United Way of Iredell County Endowment for the Future contributed the remaining $5,706.49 to allow the Iredell County DSS Lonely Children’s Fund to reach their goal of $30,000 raised
As of Dec. 29, the Lonely Children’s Fund has raised a total of $22,662 of the $30,000 goal. We’re almost there! We know the community can continue to help us
As an Iredell County DSS foster parent, I am oftentimes overwhelmed by the support, advocacy and attention, provided to me, by the Iredell County DSS staff. Their drive and desire
Right now, in Iredell County, there are around 120 children who have no choice over something most of us, thankfully, consider fundamental: whether they live with their parents.
A sibling group entered foster care with the Iredell County Department of Social Services in March 2019. When their plan changed to adoption, the department was tasked with identifying an